Thursday, January 17, 2008

Zhou Dynasty

Date of Power

· 1100-256BCE

Map of the Zhou

Reason for take-over

· The Zhou began as a semi-nomadic tribe that lived to the west of the Shang kingdom.

Due to their nomadic ways, they learned how to work with people of different cultures. After a time, they settled in the Wei River valley, where they became vassals of the Shang. The Zhou eventually became stronger than the Shang, and in about 1040 B.C. they defeated the Shang in warfare. They built their capital in Xi'an. Part of their success was the result of gaining the allegiance of disaffected city-states. The Shang were also weakened due to their constant warfare with people to the north.

Leaders of the civilization

· Wu Wang is the first leader of Zhou. He is very famous as a leader of Zhou dynasty. After his father died, he tried to make his father's wish come true by defeated Shang dynasty.

Leader from another civilization outside out China during the time

· Thymoitos (King of Athens)


· Technology- In the time of Zhou, farming technology was perfectly created and farmers got to work throughout the year. The iron-tipped ox-drawn plows was improved in that period of timeEven the irrigation was improved too.

· Economy- In the past, the peak in economics time was in the time of the era. The communication and farming systems were highly improved by the Chinese. In Zhou period of time, all the dynasty decided to separate land equally for lords.

· Current Religion- The religion in that time is mandate of heaven in which the people believe that gods are ones who select the ruler. they believe that gods must select the ruler that most fit with the job.

·Philosophy- Three philosophies were created in the time of Zhou; Legalism, Confucianism

and Taoism. Legalism believes in the power, money and the punishments. Confucianism believes in the government they have. They think their leader must be strong and tough to help them out of everything. Taoism believes in peace and harmony of human and nature.

The Reason for fall

· During the 4th century BCE, the state of Qin, one of the former territories of the Zhou kingdom, emerged as a power. Based on theories of a leading legalist, the Qin kingdom reformed its administration, economy, and military and became stronger as the Zhou empire weakened and eventually died in 256 BCE. Soon, the Qin had conquered the seven other warring states.

